Logos FAQs
Frequently Asked Questions
We require that anyone interested in Logos attend an ‘Informational Meeting’. At the informational meeting, you will learn about our program and get your questions answered so you can decide if Logos is the right fit for your student and family.
Please visit our Enrollment page to learn more about Informational Meetings.
Each student at Logos has their own individualized curriculum based on their learning level and style, so a “typical day” is determined by the schedule you as their learning coach and your teacher create.
Visit our Enrollment page to learn more about the enrollment process!
Yes, you can enroll anytime at Logos and will be admitted as long as we have space available. For grades K-8 it is wise to enroll this year because it would ensure your entry for next school year.
That said, if your child is in grades 9-12 we do not recommend leaving your school until you have an official account of your grades and credits earned for the current grading period.
If you have children currently enrolled in Logos, please fill out the “intent to re-enroll" in April. This document will come from your ES and has a space to list siblings you would like to enroll for the following school year. If you would like to enroll siblings during a school year they will need to go on the waitlist. To get on the waitlist please call our front desk to get the registration link.
We require that anyone interested in Logos attend an informational meeting. At the informational meeting, you will learn about our program and get your questions answered so you can decide if Logos is the right fit for your student and family.
Please visit our Enrollment Page to learn more about Informational Meetings.
Each student at Logos is assigned their own Education Specialist (ES), which is a licensed teacher. The ‘ES’ helps parents plan the best learning strategies for the student and helps choose curriculum and classes.
The ES meets with parents and students weekly and will aid in addressing specific learning needs, testing, connections to our community education partners and campus classes to accomplish education goals.
Logos also provides a ‘Student Success Team’ that provides tutoring every day of the week for help in any subject. This just begins to scratch the surface of ways we support parents!
Yes, we enroll students who live in any district in Jackson or Josephine Counties. Our students come from the districts of Ashland, Butte Falls, Central Point, Eagle Point, Grants Pass, Medford, Phoenix/Talent, Prospect, Rogue River and Three Rivers.
We do have a summer school program! It is eight weeks long and begins one week after the last day of school. Because it is outside of our normal academic calendar there is tuition for this program.
Each course is $100 and if the student completes and passes the course during the eight weeks they will receive a $50 refund. All courses are online with several online options and teacher support is available.
We enroll students at any time during the school year. Please attend an informational meeting and then fill out the enrollment packet you will be provided.
If there aren’t openings at the time you wish to enroll, you will be put on a wait-list until an opening becomes available.
The Logos Scholars Academy offers high school students the opportunity to attend Rogue Community College and/or Southern Oregon University for FREE part-time or full-time to earn dual credits.
That means the college credits apply towards high school graduation. Students meet regularly with an advisor who provides course selection guidance, educational goal & career planning, resources, financial aid planning and more!
In 2017, Oregon's SB208 opened the door for 9th-12th graders to engage in OSAA sports and other interscholastic activities at their local district school. However, if Logos provided any of these sports, students would forfeit the opportunity to participate in their local district's program. Consequently, we guide high school students toward their local district for most sports. Then, in 2018, HB 4036 broadened the scope to encompass before and after-school activities for K-8 students.
In addition to these regulations, we proudly offer a selection of non-OSAA activities, including archery, clay target shooting, and middle school track/cross country, enriching our students' extracurricular experience.
Logos pays a fee for a student's participation in those sports and activities. Logos may also pay a fee if a class is required for the activity. For example if weightlifting is a required class for football, Logos will pay the district for a student to participate in that as well. Additional fees (such as uniforms or travel) required by the district for people in the sport or activity may be charged to the student separately. Logos does not pay those fees.
Logos students live all over the Southern Oregon region, however, the number of students we can have (the “cap”) is set by Medford School District 549c and is currently 1,260 students.
If we have reached our cap of 1,260 students, state law requires that we go through a lottery process. Typically students who enroll in June and early July for the following school year get accepted, but by mid-July the waitlist starts filling up.
We suggest that you attend an Informational Meeting right away so you are prepared to turn in your application when enrollment opens on June 1 of each year.
The law requires that each year we enroll students in this order:
- Current students
- Siblings of current students
- New students
The lottery also requires that we enroll students residing in Medford first, and students outside of Medford second. Each round of lottery drawings is based on this. Don’t fret if you live outside of Medford as people outside of Medford are not continually pushed lower. For more questions or to find out where you are on the list, email our Registrar Shawna Pratt (after June 1st).
Due to the contractual agreement Logos has through our charter sponsor, Medford School District, students are unable to concurrently enroll in any other public school or district. As a result, elective courses or classes offered elsewhere, not covered by SB208 or HB4036, are not accessible while enrolled at Logos. In rare instances, Logos may pursue a separate intergovernmental agreement with a district to reconcile fees; however, reaching a consensus between the boards of both a district and Logos is infrequent.
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