Community Partner Reimbursement
In the past, Logos Public Charter School handled billing directly by receiving and processing invoices from vendors. Effective immediately, Logos will no longer accept invoices or assume responsibility for payments. We are moving to a parent/guardian reimbursement process only. Reimbursements will be processed on a monthly basis. To initiate the reimbursement process, please complete the form below.
Becoming a Community Partner
Please submit the following documentation to the Business Department at [email protected]. Once we have received all required documentation we will promptly notify you of your status as an approved Community Partner.
To align with state law and the policy set forth by our school board, all Logos Community Partners and their employees must undergo a thorough background check. This measure ensures the safety and well-being of our students and community. Thank you for your cooperation and commitment to fostering an enriched educational experience for our students.
Art Partners
Dance Partners
Horseback Riding Partners
Martial Arts Partners
Music Partners
PE Partners
Theater Partners
Therapy Partners
Tutoring Partners
Other Partners